BeckyCats said:
According to Seriously Fish, celestial pearl danios should be kept in large numbers to disperse the aggression of the males. Seriously Fish seems to be a respected source. Read what they say on the subject to see if your tank suits the requirements of that species.
Hi BeckyCats, thanks for your comment! Yep, Seriously Fish is a brilliant website although I've never found much serious aggression from male CPDs (only small amount of chasing when females are gravid), my community tank is really heavily planted though (with a much higher ratio of females to males) so maybe that prevents aggression and keeps everyone calm! My other tanks are bigger however which will be a contributing factor!
Ninjouzata said:
Absolutely gorgeous
I'd stick to shrimp or a single betta though. If you do go shrimp is there a certain type you're thinking of?
Thank you Ninjouzata! I'm deffo up for some shrimp, however, I'm really not a fan of Bettas, I have one in my other AquaNano tank and I'm not sure I want any more, as much as I love him to pieces I do find him quite limiting! This is him:
Robbo85 said:
its amazing, I love it!
I would put in a really nice Betta in it, maybe a white one so it looked like a cloud .
I've already got an aquanano with a betta in so this time I'm looking for something a little different - i was thinking of getting some shrimp and maybe a shoal of celestial pearl danio? What do you think?
i think it may be too small a tank for them really, 10 gallons would be the minimum and they need to be in a good size group and you would need more females to males and its the males that are patterned ones that do look amazing so even if it was a 10 gallon you could probably only get a few males.
if not the betta then I would say shrimp would be the only alternative but you can get some really nice colours now, maybe crystal or blue shrimp
Hey again Robbo85! Yeah, this tank would deffo be too small for adults, however, I was thinking (once this tank is more densely planted) of moving some of the juvenile CPDs I have in my other planted tank at home and use this as a nursery tank perhaps? What do you think? As I'm guessing they will be just under 1cm when I get back with the tank from uni it might be a nice intermediate between their current fry tank and the main community tank?
I've done some reading on various other species such as
Boraras spp. such as dwarf or mosquito which have been reported to respond well to small shoals of species only tanks of around 30x30x30cm! Any thoughts on this alternative?
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