Nano Diary

Today I went to my LFS and bought a pair of skunk cleaner shrimp. I also bought some rotifiers for my corals. I turkey basted all the nuisance algae and hopefully it will not grow back._CF
The algae grew back but not as much. Maybe things are getting stuck in my aragonite gravel. I am sad to say that this morning my jawfish was acting unusual. He was super skinny. I tried to feed him with frozen brine shrimp but he would'nt eat it. So I knew he would die. When I came home he was dead. I am sad. Now hopefully his death will reduce algae growth even more since his absence will cause less ammonia. _CF
My cousin came over and helped me get the aragonite gravel out. It was sucessful. I also fixed the rock structure. The anemone still sucks. Oh well. I'll get some pictures later. Also, what type of new substrate should I use. I don't want a thick layer though. _CF (CLOWNFISH)
I get it no one wants to comment me....fine....Jus playn'.
Okay, I took my damsel fish to my LFS and now I only have my clown goby and my two cleaner shrimp. My rock structure looks good and no significant algae growth!!! I still have to siphon some crap off the bottom of the tank, but the tanks pretty sweet. I was thinking about some fish I could get in about a month or so.
-Catalina Goby
-Red Striped Goby
-Kaudern's Cardinal (Bangaii)
-Royal Gramma Basslet
-Six Line Wrasse

Of course I will not be getting all of these. I will be getting 5.5 inches of fish. These are just the fish that I like and would consider putting into my tank. If anyone has any suggestions or information about the fish please inform me. Okay, Thanks. _CF
I am still planning on getting more coral. Should I get the fish first of the coral?

It is usually better to get the fish first so that the tank mini cycles before the coral are in there. The fish can tolerate a lot more than the corals can.
Corals shouldn't be added to your tank for weeks after cycling. The tank needs to mature and will go thru some blooms...diatoms, cyanobacteria and/or hair algae. You don't want expensive corals in your tank until it settles down or you will kick yourself in the butt when you lose them.

The fish you listed are good nano sure you research them first and add them in the proper order. Peaceful go in first with the most aggressive last....avoid similar species to avoid aggression....limit your numbers to avoid overload. SH
That tanks looking nice!

Your tank just needs to mature a bit more it seems. Water quality is EVERYTHING in this hobby. Even above light requirements Water Quality is the most important. That being said TIME is also just as important. Patience is necessary so that the water quality doesn't diminish due to adding too many fish or corals at one time.

I can't believe no one told you about anemones. The bulb anemone you have is one of the easiest to care for and they are generally hardy but they don't really belong in a tank that is less than 6 months old. The reason for this is the tank hasn't Matured before that time. Which means you will have fluctuating water parameters etc...

Water from the LFS is best to use if they use RO/DI (reverse osmosis/DeIonized) water then yes get it from them. If they just chemically neutralize chlorine or ammonia then add salt, forget it. You can do the same thing yourself.

Also, what are you using for your chemical filtration? Carbon, phosphate removers, resins like chemi-pure are very good to help keep water conditions favorable. I personally use, Purigen (a resin by SeaChem), Chemi-Pure (another resin product), SeaGel (carbon and phosphate remover combined). I use all 3 items in seperate filter bags. I change the Seagel out every 2-3 weeks and the resins I change out every 3-4 months only I change 1 or the other and wait a month to replace the other one.

Chemi-Clean is a very good product for getting rid of the Cyano algae. Make sure to follow the directions to the letter... I have used it before so, I can attest to the performance of it. Also, this is better to use than an antibiotic, because the tank won't become resistant to it as it would with e-mycin.

Just be patient and you will see that tank of yours develop into your dream.

Thanks for the comments.

Trekbear, also thank you for telling me about anenomes and your chemical filtration. Right now I only have carbon. I try looking for different kinds, but my LFS don't have a lot of different kinds of chemical filtration. I will be researching the different kinds of media for my chemical filtration, I never knew that it was that important. I have an DI unit, which I use and change when the resins turn a purplish bluish color.

My tank has already cycled. I just gave away most of the fish except the clown goby. It doesn't have to cycle again does it?

Thanks guys for the help, _CF
Cycling and Maturing are different. SH's is talking about wainting until your tank is mature before adding more corals. Your tank has already cycled.

Cycling is the stage your tank goes through, which allows beneficial bacteria, associated with the nitrogen cycle, to become established in your tank and filter media. Youve already been through this process.

Maturing is a process which takes months. It allows bacteria, water parameters and inhabitants to get established in your reef. Water params become stable, bacteria stabalise and reproduce. The sand bed starts to seed, and your LR becomes "mature". IMO, maturing is basically a 'stabalising' of your tank and its inhabitants to a point where water quality and parameters is at optimum and their most stable.

This doesnt mean you cant keep any corals at all. I still consider my little reef 'un-mature' as im not happy with water params or the seemingly lack of large quantites of microbial life. I still have corals and fish. You just have to be patient and wise to which corals will be suitable.

As you already have experienced, bubble corals and anemones probably shouldnt be kept in aquaria younger than 6-12 months, if at all. But that doesnt stop you keeping Zoas, Mushrooms, and a variety of other hardy specimens.
Both of my shrimp have molted and no nuisance algae has grown back. My parents are kind of mad at me because every month when I get my paycheck, I spend most of it on fish stuff...coral,food,shrimp. So I think I am going to take a couple weeks break of buying coral. I may add some fish though. I was thinking that since I have a long tank and can't build my LR up a whole lot, that I could build it against my back wall. I would keep space so there wouldn't be any dead spots, but I will eventually need some more room for coral. Also can some people give me some coral names that I could buy for my tank, that wouldn't be too hard to keep. _CF
Today I bought a piece of tufa rock and I re-aquascaped. My tree coral died and so did my feather duster. But the algae has stopped and everything else is doing fine. I think I might buy some fish soon. _CF
sorry if this has already been mentioned, but if you havent got a test kit yet, GET ONE. You should be monitoring the levels in your tank closely until you are 100% happy with the tank and its contents.

Your corals shouldnt be dying. If you are adding things too quickly your tank could have gone through a 2nd cycle, killing off your coral and duster.

I rearranged my rocks to the final structure. I will get some pictures soon. Can I have some info on Trumpet coral and Candy Cane coral. I want to get some, but I don't know where to place them. Could I place them anywhere in the tank.(I know not to place them right next to other corals) _CF

My shrimp!


Right side (anenome is excreting wastes! NOT DYING)

This purple algae that the snails have slaughtered!!! Had to put it in its on container!
It used to be 2x this size!!!


My other shrimp!!

First Setup

2nd Setup

3rd Setup


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