Nano Cube (24g) Questions


New Member
Feb 6, 2008
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Hello everyone,

I'm starting up a new Nano cube 24 Gallon Deluxe. I was wondering if anyone had any helpful tips and/or modifications? I've heard different things about the filtration and what to use. Does anyone know if live rock or the media included would be better? Also, I've already added the live sand and water but I've noticed that most people add the live rock first. Does this make a difference?

I am just researching on starting a tank myself, but Steel has an amazing journal on a Nano Cube if you have time to read through it.

The general consensus seems to be that live rock is better and more natural. And that live rock is generally added before sand mainly for stability of the rockscape.
Hello badlandz-
Thanks for the information. I read through most of that and Steel has some of the most beneficial information.

I had some additional questions to add, in terms what steps to take first and what to add and modify? Since I have the sand and the water already in it, should I drain my tank and then put the water back in after the live rock is in it or can I just add the live rock and try to get it around the sand?

My other question is mostly what to take out (if any) of the filter and what to add (if any)?

Here is my current list of items that I have:

Live Sand
Nano Fission Skimmer
Maxi Jet 1200
Digital Thermometer
Salt Mix

Do you or does anyone know of other things to get?
You should partially drain your tank and add your live rock, since the rock will displace some of the water you will want to remove it beforehand so it doesn't overflow. Depending on how much rock you are adding, I'm thinking drain 30% to 50%, get your rockscape done and then fill it back up to the water level you want.

It sounds like most people stay away from bio balls, and many add some live rock rubble in the filtration.

I haven't setup a tank of my own yet, so I'm not the best resource. I'm thinking of heavily using Steel's journal as a resource when I do start mine.
I think that's a good idea. My biggest question is probably about the filtration modifications and where to put what and how much of it. I've read Steels forum, which is amazing and very helpful I just have a few more questions.
Do you or anyone think that the stock pump, Maxi Jet 1200 Pump and the Hydor Koralia Nano pump would be too much for the Nano 24g?
The stock pump is weak! It doesnt push a lot. I would recommend both but do as steelhealr did and hide it with the stock pump behind the false wall so no inverts unlucky enough to get caught in it do. ANd the koralia should be fine if all the pumps are pointing in different locations.
Hi nanocubeking

Thanks for the info! So the pumps need to be in different directions right? I'm a little confused about the filtration switch. I'm getting ChemiPure, Purigen, SeaGel and Filter Fiber. Does it matter what order these are layered in? Also, about the live rock and chaetomorpha does it matter with them either?

The chem stuff can go in any way but the live rock should go under the chaeto so it gets light. And if you are using stock lighting for the nanocube I suggest you invest in a 150 watt metal halide to go over it (of course only if you want sps and clams. Everything else like Lps softies and zoos would be fine though). Check out my thread titled "Its Alive". You'll see what I mean about upgrading lights.
That's pretty cool thread. So, I'm trying to figure out how to start all this stuff and what else I need to get. I actually have already put the sand and the saltwater in first. Do you think I should restart all this and get the live rock first?
What else is good to upgrade? Also, when I took out the sponges from the back it fogged up the water. Is there a way to prevent this when there is live stuff in there?

By the way nice pics!!
It may have been the sand that foged it up. I've never had that happen to me. -_- But many people replace the sponges with live rock rubble. If you dont do that just wash the first sponge in the first chamber(once a week) and the only sponge in the second chamber every water change or twice a month depending on your bioload. Now that you have the water and sand in the tank put your rock in whenever. There is no need to redo everything. Add the rock and wait for the cycle to start and finish. Then do a realy big water change (50%) and add the clean up crew.

P.s. Did you put the modular surface skimmer on or not?
I am only going to leave the stock media in until I get the upgrade media. I did put the modular surface skimmer on. When I filled the tank up I put the sand in first and as I added the water I added the salt with the filter on mixing it as I added everything. I only did this because there was nothing in the tank. Whenever I mess with the back chambers it starts to make the tank foggy or cloudy. Do you think this might be due to mixing the salt inside the tank? What kind of light do you think would be good for the lr rubble and chaetomorpha? I really appreciate all your advice and info!!
Is that a good thing? It gets really cloudy and takes about 2 hours to clear, is this normal?
Another helpful upgrade is an Auto top off system. The tank will run through water at an unbeleiveable rate. :crazy: I top off at least 16 ounces a day will the open top tank. IT SUCKS!!!!!!

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