Name This Fish Only Seen Them Once


Fish Herder
Mar 8, 2009
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right went to get my oscars tonight and they guy had a massive malawi tank and there was these fish he no longer wanted around 7 or eight
of them there like a pike shape silver and blue cudnt really tell the difference as he had blue lights in his tank but they had bars running down to the tale very large bars and the male was a big lad and a lot darker then the rest

anybody tell me what they are as he is giving me them on Tuesday
right went to get my oscars tonight and they guy had a massive malawi tank and there was these fish he no longer wanted around 7 or eight
of them there like a pike shape silver and blue cudnt really tell the difference as he had blue lights in his tank but they had bars running down to the tale very large bars and the male was a big lad and a lot darker then the rest

anybody tell me what they are as he is giving me them on Tuesday

Did he say how old they were? Some chiclids change colour from juvi to adult.
Could they have been some sort of pike cichlid? Theres loads of different types but it could have been something like Crenicichla strigata
right its the same shape as a champsochromis caeruleus but with large black bars

Could they have been some sort of pike cichlid? Theres loads of different types but it could have been something like Crenicichla strigata

no defo not a Crenicichla strigata
You'll have to sneak a pic of one if you can. My local FS had never heard of Ellioti before untill I told hinm they were from the same family as Firemouths. There's a few arn't there.
Placidochromis johnstoni i think thats them
Just looked them up. Would be OK if they all had the red? What are you putting them with, Sorry apologies for not reading your originsl threads.

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