name that cory


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK

came into work as corydoras elegans, but I don't think they are
they kinda look like them, but they kinda look like like those emaralrd ones as well.
Look kind of like Brochis to me but I'm not great at identifying cories, especially not this early in the morning.
they are not elegans for sure, i have some, and those arnt.

and emma, the pics dont show up on the site, it doesnt work for everyone..or..doesnt work for just me :/

maybe doing a search on planetcatfish would help :)
ok, thanks for all the suggestions
I've tried planet catfish, but there are way too many :S
Time for the big guns...
INCHWORM where are you? :hey:
Its almost definately a cory and not a bronchis splendens or similar. I'd guess bronze, but the photo's not to great.
a.d.wood said:
Possibly Corydoras concolor
From Ian Fuller's site ( > Corydoras concolor
emma12321 said:
Take a look at this site it's a bit less confusing than planet catfish.

Andrew I didn't think it was that, but after using emmas' link
I think we have a winner :thumbs: Corydoras concolor
Thanks to both of you.
i'm just wonderin what price you are selling them for, they arnt common corys after all, not common like c. elegans

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