Name Suggestions


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida

My daughter named all the fish at home, but I am getting a male betta for a 2 gallon (filtered) tank at work. Any theme suggestions for a name? No more Disney cartoon names, please....we've already had Flora, Fauna, Merryweather, Buzz, and Woody, LOL! I would consider Ariel, but I'm getting a male, he might not like that!
How about Baby Jaws? It IS for work, isn't it? :fun: But you should wait until you get him and then name him after about a week or so after you have his personality established combined with his color.
What do you all think of Bacchus?

There is a gargoyle (technically a grotesque) in his tank and Bacchus is a gargoyle name.
His body is blue on the bottom, green on top. His rear and top fins start out green, but are blue toward the ends, the front bottom fin is red, and his back bottom fin is a turquoise blue with red in it. He's very pretty.

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