Fish Crazy
That's awful Angel Lady. I watch some of the Animal cops programmes from the states and in one there was someone who owned two pregnant mares. Both were really underweight and one was just tied up by the side of the road. Unfortunately that one died shortly after giving birth but thankfully the other mare and both foals made it.
I too am not sure exactly whats going on. Sounds like a load of BS to me, the person in charge probably decided he/she wanted to keep the kitty - sounds more likely!!
Anyway we are going to get a new feline friend now as we are all ready for him/her, we'll just have to go to the "right" rescue centre!!!
I too am not sure exactly whats going on. Sounds like a load of BS to me, the person in charge probably decided he/she wanted to keep the kitty - sounds more likely!!
Anyway we are going to get a new feline friend now as we are all ready for him/her, we'll just have to go to the "right" rescue centre!!!