Name suggestions please!!

That's awful Angel Lady. I watch some of the Animal cops programmes from the states and in one there was someone who owned two pregnant mares. Both were really underweight and one was just tied up by the side of the road. Unfortunately that one died shortly after giving birth but thankfully the other mare and both foals made it.

I too am not sure exactly whats going on. Sounds like a load of BS to me, the person in charge probably decided he/she wanted to keep the kitty - sounds more likely!!

Anyway we are going to get a new feline friend now as we are all ready for him/her, we'll just have to go to the "right" rescue centre!!!
In some ways I think that is a great idea to do home checks. Not for you because you want a cat so bad. You can tell if someone will be good to a animal or not. I am sorry that the kitty didnt go through. I wish I could give you one of mine I have three kittens needs a new home. But I wont give mine away to just any body because people here are mean to animals. They starve them and beat them and do ungodly things to them tie the up to trees. I get so mad thinking about it.The worse thing I have ever seen anybody do is set a little kitten down beside the highway to fend for itself.People here are crewl to animals and dont deserve them. :angry: :angry: :sad:
I think home checks are fine - we just never had one!! They didn't even ask to do one, that's whats so wierd. If they had they could of met Taggart, now he is one beautiful cat!!! As soon as I can get him to pose like everybody elses cats do I will post a picture!! The only ones I have are of him sleeping so all you see is a curled up ginger furrball!!
Sorry to hear you won't be getting the cat. But keep in mind, there are many many more homeless cats out that for you to adopt instead. Strange though, I'd think they'd be happy to rehome the cat regardless of where it is. I supposed if you were in an area that might pose some danger to the cat or something along those lines, but just being outside of their area seems ridiculous. The rescue group I work with has adopted to people way outside of the metro area, we've even had some out of state adoptions occur (before we started home interviews at least).
Best of luck to you

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