So it's been a while.
I put a HOB on the bad with Phosban but it keeps splashing water out.

So I took it off. In the 2 weeks it was on, I didn't see a difference.
One of the hermit crabs I added is a different species. It ate two astrea snails.
And now I can't find it.
The corals are uh.. dwindling. They just.. aren't growing. There's only 4. and they're small.
Two ricordia floridas and other mushroom, and green star polyps.
The blue mushrooms disappeared. So did the green striped one, rock and all. I have no idea what happened to it.
One of the ricordias is doing great, it's orage and blue, its really pretty. The other dissappeared for a while and I though it was a gonner, but then I found it in the spot where all of the leftover food and everything goes, so I guess it just wasn't attached to the rock. I put it in a little bowl with some lr rubble and it attached so I took it out. Then it came off again. It didn't show up until tuesday and it's not looking that good now. It's pretty faded but I think it'll make it through if it attaches to a rock. It's back in a container with lr rubble.
I think it has something to do with the algae.
There's bryopsis, and this brown stuff, I ID'd it somewhere and I think it was called sargassum.
It's pretty and easy to remove. But the bryopsis grows under it. Every time the sargassum starts to overgrow, I remove it and then there's bryopsis underneath.
There's also this red algae thats popping up everywhere. It's really thin and light and easy to take off.
I found one peppermint shrimp a few weeks ago. I guess they only come out at night.
I think I need to get a few more snails. The cerith snails are laying eggs everywhere, but there's only one or two astreas and one trochus snail left. I haven't seen a nassarius snail in a while.
The fish are doing good. All eating great, no aggression problems.
So overall, the only thing I think I need to worry about is the algae.
I tested nitrates and it was 15, so I guess that's my problem.
I'll have to step up water changes. And I probably need to change the bulbs on the lights.
Also trying to get an HOB fuge, and saving up for a protein skimmer.
This is that red algae
Here's the rock with the sargassum and bryopsis
The corals that disappeared
The ricordias
And some of the fish