N3Ont3Tra's 37G Reef Tank Journal

Finally an update.

The tank is doing pretty good, no deaths or anything like that. MY main concern right now is doing away with all of the sargassum algae thats growing everywhere. I've had it since the very beginning but recently it's exploded, and it's growing everywhere. I didn't mind a small little patch on one rock, but its just taking over. I've been trying to remove it by hand but pieces just break off and get stuck in the powerheads. I've tried siphoning but then the siphon gets clogged. Now I'm just trying to keep the water quality at its best to hope and slow down the growth but no luck so far.

Also, coralline algae started to grow all over the front and sides.. Not so much on the rocks or back glass. That's wierd. And, in an attempt to promote it's growth, I waited as long as I could before scraping it off the front glass. The algae was probably covering at least 1/4 of it when I scraped it off, and that was about three weeks ago. It hasn't grown back yet, although the sides are almost covered.








I guess I didn't scrape the glass as well as I thought... :D
If you are any where near Trod and I you should borrow her emerald crab - he would make short work of that algae :good:

Seffie x


ps just went and looked where you are - different continent :rolleyes:
Thats a good Idea, I had an emerald crab a while ago and it died, but it would probably help with the algae.
1 clarki clownfish
1 midas blenny
2 flame hawkfish (mated pair)

I also have a ricordia that is doing great. And probably about 7 or 8 hermit crabs (scarlet and yellow-tip) and about 15 snails, mostly astrea and banded trochus snails.
I bought some turbo snails, an emerald crab, and a six line wrasse online today. Unfortunately my camera is broken but I'll post some pics whenever I get it back.

I've also been using a new RO unit, it's not perfect but the TDS reads at 7 so it should be okay..
Sixline wrasse is acclimating now, along with the snails and crab. Everything looks healthy, the fish looks great. Swimming around in the bucket like 'is this all I get?' :D
I don't know, I'm at my dad's, but my mom probably would have emailed me if he died so I guess he's okay. I'm going back tomorrow so I'll update then. :unsure:
Just read the whole of your Journel,

Really good read. I'm only a FW guy at the moment need to buy a house before I can even start dreaming about a marine tank!

Good luck!
Wow you read the whole thing? Cool. :D

I'm back now, all the fish look great. I'm glad that's over with, I was getting pretty worried.
Larry is part of the family now.
The new turbo snails seem to have eaten some of the algae off the back glass which is great.
Unfortunately they haven't touched the sargassum. I seriously need to find something that will eat this. It's everywhere, including in the powerheads.
If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them. I'l test the water later.

Oh yeah, Larry is the new sixline. I thought I mentioned that earlier.

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