Mystus Bimaculatus - Two Spot Bagrid And Meds?


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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Does anyone know if these are sensitive to meds? I have found one of my males in trouble this morning, he has a huge chunk out of his back behind his dorsal fin, smaller bite marks (presumable angels pecking at him) near his tail. He looked like he was in shock in the main tank swimming at the surface, now he is in the hospital tank he is swimming normally.
I don't know for certain, but I would suspect they are. Lovely fish; I used to have one called Hybiscus :)
I'd hold off on meds for now, and use a half dose if you do have to.
Cheers FM, I thought they were, just couldnt find anything on google. I'll stick him on daily water changes, hopefully he will heal OK. Just need to figure out who/what attacked him :( Normally they hide in the tangle of logs and java fern, unless it was one of the other bagrids that did it and the angels took advantage... mysteries of fish keeping !
Yeah, it's hard to pin things down sometimes :/
Out of interest, what fish are in the tank?
Oh my its a right mish mash of "can you take this" lol, there are 3 angels, assorted cory's, 2 juvi A. metae (did suspect maybe one of these could be the biter, but they are so placid, these are left over from the last batch I raised and couldnt sell so kept them), some platies (6) and 3 other 2 spot bagrids and lots of assassin snails.
The tank was origionally just angels & cories, but ...
Good news is he has settled right down in the hospital tank, no longer swimming head up tail down at the surface, breathing has slowed, still a little heavy for my liking but better than it was.
Poor guy is not doing so well. Treating with esha exit as it looks like he has ich, but it is leaving little red holes in his skin.
Aww, no, sorry to hear that, star

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