No deaths in the 120L since March 16th until yesterday when the unhealthiest looking WCMM went. It’d been swimming around ok‘ish for nearly two weeks then started the now traditional sitting on the floor in the corner for 48hrs before dying.
A Medaka went today. It’d been hiding in the top corner amongst the guppy grass for a day or so. They seem to go more quickly with no visible signs.
75% of fish stock gone.
80% of RCS gone
Approx 90% of Ramshorns gone.
Ive been doing a 50%WC and gravel vacc every day for weeks now. Temp dropped down to 22 last week. Think I’ll try the esha2000 fungal fin rot stuff again.
3 WCMM & 3 Medaka left. If this lot don’t make it I’m breaking down the tank, salt cleaning or sterilising everything and putting it all away in the shed for the summer.
Swim bladder symptoms, biting, fin rot, fungus, spiralling etc all in one mad rush is too much for me.
10G seems ok