Fungus? Ich? Fin Rot? Bite?

Have you changed anything in the tank at all? Fertiliser/ root tabs/ filter media/ water conditioner brands?

If not, I agree with Adorabelle that it points to the water.
The bloke on the corner has Livebearers and he’s had no trouble and his waters from the same mains. I’ve changed nothing. Used the last of my water conditioner today, been using the same tub on both tanks since last summer.

The current sickest WCMM is actually swimming around mid tank at the moment though not 100% fit which has to be a good sign as all the other deaths have basically being sitting on the sand for the last two days of their lives.

Theres been biting, swim bladder problem signs, spiral swimming, raggy fins, fungus stuff on fins, slow deaths, sudden deaths, corpses with nothing visibly wrong with them, two with visible bite marks.

Im leaning towards hand sanitizer though I can’t remember sticking my hands in tanks unwashed it must’ve happened.

edit: I didn’t want to make a new post which would push this thread back up to the top of the forum so will just edit onto the end of this post from now on.
33% WC & GV today and another day 2or3 dose of ESHA.
The WCMM in this post died late this afternoon ie a few hours after I mentioned it was struggling but swimming. The nine fish remaining are all swimming in a normal manner though the WCMMs seem a bit timid which is only to be expected I suppose as 66% of their number have gone this week.
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No deaths in the 120L since March 16th until yesterday when the unhealthiest looking WCMM went. It’d been swimming around ok‘ish for nearly two weeks then started the now traditional sitting on the floor in the corner for 48hrs before dying.
A Medaka went today. It’d been hiding in the top corner amongst the guppy grass for a day or so. They seem to go more quickly with no visible signs.
75% of fish stock gone.
80% of RCS gone
Approx 90% of Ramshorns gone.

Ive been doing a 50%WC and gravel vacc every day for weeks now. Temp dropped down to 22 last week. Think I’ll try the esha2000 fungal fin rot stuff again.
3 WCMM & 3 Medaka left. If this lot don’t make it I’m breaking down the tank, salt cleaning or sterilising everything and putting it all away in the shed for the summer.
Swim bladder symptoms, biting, fin rot, fungus, spiralling etc all in one mad rush is too much for me.

10G seems ok
No deaths in the 120L since March 16th until yesterday when the unhealthiest looking WCMM went. It’d been swimming around ok‘ish for nearly two weeks then started the now traditional sitting on the floor in the corner for 48hrs before dying.
A Medaka went today. It’d been hiding in the top corner amongst the guppy grass for a day or so. They seem to go more quickly with no visible signs.
75% of fish stock gone.
80% of RCS gone
Approx 90% of Ramshorns gone.

Ive been doing a 50%WC and gravel vacc every day for weeks now. Temp dropped down to 22 last week. Think I’ll try the esha2000 fungal fin rot stuff again.
3 WCMM & 3 Medaka left. If this lot don’t make it I’m breaking down the tank, salt cleaning or sterilising everything and putting it all away in the shed for the summer.
Swim bladder symptoms, biting, fin rot, fungus, spiralling etc all in one mad rush is too much for me.

10G seems ok
I am so sorry. I don’t know what could be happening.
Another Medaka yesterday.
I thought we were out of the woods until the last few days. It puts you off looking in there tbh.
Everyone left looked as healthy as I’ve seen since this started though obviously they’re stressed. 24 down to 5 now. I’ve restarted the ESHA fungus/fin rot/bacteria medicine which seemed to have got on top of everything.

Just looked: Everyone fine.
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Last three WCMM went this week. One per night. 24 fish now down to 2 Medaka. Just when you think you’re out of the woods it comes back.

Most reactions
