the eggs typically take about a week to two weeks to hatch, the ideal location for the eggs is generaly right where mom left them, She works hard to pick the ideal spot for her young, obviously my mother snail got a little bit acrobatic as well, probally laying the eggs upside down.
to even get to this point you need a male and female mystery (or apple snails share the same biology and have the same habits as there smaller cousins.) i have only two mystery snails in this tank, more then likely one of each gender.
even if they were both female (which i really hope they weren't) a female can store sperm in her for up to 9 months. which is why they are often confused for the pest snails.
the plan is at the moment set up a spare ten gallon tank in the basement in a room that stay at a steady temp all year round. mysteries do not need a heater, nor a filter but i do recomend the filter. however the cycling process of a new tank will not harm a baby mystery snail.
i strongly recommend even if you have baby fry around do not put them with the baby mysteries. mysteries by nature are a bit dirtier then a fry, and their waste can harm a baby fish. unless you get them all in a very large tank.
foods you should have ready, some sort of sinking wafer (algae, shimp ect.) also calcium is a must for baby snails, just like a child with growing bones, a snail will have rapidly growing shell and will need the calcium for it to continue to be strong.
calcium is easier then you think to provide for your babies, cuttle bone from birds is packed with the stuff. you can use human calcium tablet broken down (this will make your water cloudy) or tums. snails love tums they espeically like the flavored ones. mine always had a prefrence for the red or pink ones.
always always have a plan of what you plan on doing with snails, because they will get bigger and will need new homes.
thats it for now.