Mystery Plant

I'm pretty hopeless when it comes to ID'ing plants but i think i have had this stuff before, it got ripped to shreds pretty quickly but i could be mistaking it for something else. Like i said, pretty hopeless.
If you are looking to get started with plants then i would recommend Indian Fern (or any kind of wisteria type plant), Java Moss, Java Fern (must be tied onto an ornament or wood with the roots above the substrate) and Amazon Swords depending on the tank. Moss/Algae Balls also seem pretty hardy as long as you don't have any fish really determined to eat them, i personally don't count a green ball as a plant though :p
I have a few plants now, I just like that one and wanna know what it is for reference. I have a big grassy looking thing, a banana plant, something that looks like lucky bamboo, and something that looks like a philodendron, not positive on either but it's a guess. And I have part of a melon sword, and another unidentified loose plant. I can put up more pics if anybody is curious, used to have a water sprite but it died...may get another soon cause I got this neat cube decoration that I have been sticking my plants in
It's Hornwart if I'm not mistaken. 
I have it in my tanks. It's a floating plant, it won't actually root in your substrate. 
Awesome thanks, that bit is balled up and rubberbanded on the bottom, so it's pretty much just sitting there looking pretty, it's how it came, the rest of it is also not planted just kinda stuck into my cube waving around
Thinking on it, it seems similar to millfoil, that obnoxious stuff that always snags my fishing lines (back when I used to fish)
It's hornwort, and does not root. I've had it before but no longer. It's supposed to be beneficial for bubble nesters, apparently, because the fry can hide in it because it floats at the surface.
Something that's similar looking but not as obnoxious is cabomba.
apparently similar looking plants are all not legal where I live...  =(   at least the ones I asked about at my lfs.  Cabomba, ambulia, anacharis...all no go phooey

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