Mystery Plant and Sword Plant Question


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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Yes, it's me again asking more question. When I bought a couple of plants on Saturday, attached to the sword plant was what seems to be a different plant altogether. I'll post a picture and maybe someone can help me identify it. Maybe it is actually part of the sword plant but it looks completely different.

But first, here's a picture of my 30 gallon

Here's the mystery plant

It's about two inches high and the "roots" are very dark and thin, almost like coarse black thread.

My other question is regarding the sword plant I bought. From the picture you can see that the sword plant on the left of my tank has a shoot growing out of it with two "plantlets". Unfortunately, that shoot had two more plantlets on it but it was too long and broke off. I now have them floating around in my tank. Is it possible to plant them? I tried putting them in the gravel but they don't really have a root structure so I have to sort of just shove them in and that doesn't seem right.

My other thought was to trim off the shoots on both of them and try planting the individual little plants. What should I do or do I just do nothing.

Here's a picture
Thanks! Coming from you that's a real compliment. However, I must admit that it has more to do with spending far too much money than it does with any skill I have.

I also think the tank looks better in pictures than it does in real life. Up close I always notice all of the imperfections, algae, decaying leaves and whatnot and it makes me a little crazy sometimes. I have to tell myself that nothing is perfect and a little algae, sediment and other "imperfections" are part of the ecosystem.
The plant in the second pic appears to be a java fern. Nice bonus!

I think I would leave the amazon sword plantlets alone, I got a nice one to grow from mine and just left it alone. After several weeks it grew an extensive root system and I recently planted it. Seems to be doing well. If you are using liquid fertilizer it should get the nutrients it needs. Also, being at or near the surface, it will get more light which will encourage growth and give it a good head start before you place it on the bottom.

Nice tank :)
Yep, you have an Amazon Compacta sword and a Java Fern. You really shouldn't bury the rhizome of the Java Fern. This usually results in the rhizome rotting after a few months. You can bury some of the hair roots coming off it it but that is what it uses to pull nutrients out of the water column. It's much better for the plant if you just tie it onto something like driftwood or a rock.

As far as the sword plantlets go, let them float and wait until their roots develop a bit more before you plant them.
Thanks for the advice and compliments. I'll let the plantlets float and tie the Java Fern to some driftwood. That is a nice bonus!

I am using liquid fertilizer - Kent Freshwater Plant suppliment. I'm not quite sure how much to use. The directions are a little vague. It says 1-3 teaspoons, 1-3 times per week, depending on the number of plants. I just put in 3 teaspoons per week. I'll see how that works over the next few weeks.

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