Mystery fish

There are jumbo neons which get 2 inches. Maybe it's a cardinal tetra?!?! Go to they have list of tetras with common and scientific names. Maybe you can find a pic there.
Ken_g_w said:
I would have said from the pic it looks like a neon with neon tetra disease, where the top half of the body becomes a pale grey colour.
i agree. it is a neon. and don't forget they can grow up to 2.5 inches normally 1.5. are you others small or new. IT IS A NEON
Hehe, that's why I am living in a box!!! They cost sooo much money. I do have a lot of pets but I spend every moment with them. :wub: My current project is trying to get pics of the fish and of my gecko but they dont want to be models for me! :angry:

But with the neon thing, if it's not a neon it has to be some sort of tetra. Maybe it's just a male, that's why it's so skinny. Or if it does have a disease :sick: that could be causing the thinness.
it's not real sickly thin i think ,it doent indent its just a flatter bodies fish i feed em good and yes i have always thought it was a tetra. Do the neon tetras we usaually get all female or males. like Auratus it may be a differnt sex neon than the torditional one which makes sense. Do neon males and neon felmaes look diffent? :/
Female neon tetras are quite a bit bulkier than the males, also I think its the males that have a thicker hook like first ray on the anal fin, it looks a bit whiter than the rest...

It is a mature female neon, no doubts about it.
Since you are so set on the fact that it's NOT a neon then get a neon and put it in with him and see what happens.... and take a pic so we can see the size difference.

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