Mystery Deaths


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2009
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i have a 55g corner tank with 2 fluval 305 externals on it has been established for about a year now all running smoothly except the last few months a couple of my smaller fish have been dying i have lost 6 mollies and 3 swordtails.

all levels remain it 0 even nitrate only seen minimul amounts as doin water changes every 2 weeks.

i have 2 ideas what it might be would like everyones opinion please

1. i have 2 parrots they never seem to be to aggresive to other fish they just have the odd dart at them if theres food about and they want to get there first (no grief about the parrots please i got these when i 1st started out and was not fully informed about the nature of the fish i have since changed from the bigh fish superstore to my local family tropical fish shop who refuse to stock them.

2. i have 2 wave makers in which creates quite a strong current i have had these in most of the time the tank has been up and running and the fish have grew up in it seemingly with no problems infact they all seem to like swimming into the current and letting it push them back they will do this over and over.

other fish in my tank all of which seem to get on with each other fine

1 red tail (fully grown)
3 denison
2 bristlenose
1 angel fish
1 swordtail
2 red dwarf
3 pearl danio
3 zebra danio
2 glowlight danio

and just added 2 kribensis yesterday

any ideas please?
did you QT the kribs? and mollies do better in hard alkaline water- what sort of water do you have? These deaths really are a mystery! free bump from me :good:

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