mystery deaths - post mortem?


Oct 29, 2003
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sydney australia
over the last 3 weeks i've lost a lot of fish: 2 zebra danios, 1 dwarf gourami, 4 guppies and 1 bristlenose pleco. i don't know why

no ammonia, no nitrites. pH steady at around 7.8. i have no nitrate test kit. i have been changing the water on average 30-40% weekly over the last few weeks, including a big spring clean this weekend just gone (there wasn't much dirt though). i use stresscoat to dechlorinate

i feed them frozen bloodworms every other day, and flake/pellets every day in between

took a water sample to the lfs and they couldn't see anything wrong with it, including a search for parasites

i'm at a loss as to why i've lost so many. would a vet laugh at me if i took in a dead fish and asked him for a post mortem??
I have in the past got my vet to pack in dry ice and send to the natural history museum for a full autopsy. maybe you could get your vet to do this and send to
your nat' his' museum in Australia.

I rememder it was quite expensive for the packing but the autopsy was free. and this was for an expensive kio. I'm not sure if it's viable on small fish tough, still it's a thought. :)
the local vet should be able to do a autopsy.. Doesnt cost to much, the bigger the fish the better. I dont think he will look at guppy's or danio's

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