New Member
I have a fairly new community tank - 20 gallon, with 4 small tiger barbs (about an inch in length), 7 danio zebras, 2 dwarf gouramis. The fish have all been active and appear healthy. Yesterday, I had a hatchet fish die and another today (I only had 2). This morning, a Barb was dead and another was looking bad. It was swimming almost nose straight down. It's mouth was a little red. The other two don't look bad physically, but they are swimming very uneasily. Just look like they are very unhealthy. They don't appear to have anything wrong color-wise.
The Ammonia Nitrate levels are ok. Ph is between 7.2 and 7.4. Any ideas?
The Ammonia Nitrate levels are ok. Ph is between 7.2 and 7.4. Any ideas?