Mysterious spot


New Member
Mar 14, 2022
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Hey all, I'm hoping someone can tell me what this is. I got a few bettas about 2 and a half months ago. They had an outbreak of Columnaris disease and it didn't end well for 3 of them. I was able to save one. Because of this, I have treated the betta in question with a combination of Melafix and ParaGuard . This was the only betta that never had Columnaris, however she always had this white spot. I've never seen ich but ruled it out because it was only one spot. I decided it was just her color makeup and that I would keep an eye on it. Today I got to looking and have compared to an old photo and confirmed it has gotten bigger. I'm starting to think maybe ich again but want some opinions. I appreciate any help.

I will say this for sure, its not ich... Icy is tiny little dots that cover and spread. That is not tiny little dots... Does the white part almost hump out or is it flat? Can you still see the scales?
What are your aquarium parameters?
I can see the scales and it looks flat for the most part. She is as active as she's ever been. I'm happy to hear I still don't have ich!
I use RO water and crushed coral.

Water parameters
Temp 78
PH 7
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
KH 40
GH 120
Hmmm... I would assume that its just the coloring then but I would still keep a close eye on it to be sure... And maybe others will chime in on what it could be, if anything bad...
Looks like natural coloration, bettas like that tend to slowly change color as they get older. It can happen a single scale at a time, or as a big patch.

My betta went from this:

To this:

In just a few months. The second picture has horrible lighting, so that’s why he looks so dull, but you get the picture with the scales.

Also, you can see another similar colored scale in the middle of his body, in the second picture.
Definitely coloring...

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