I have never used the Interpet Anti Internal Bacteria but the instructions would suggest it isn't safe for scaleless fishes (elephant nose), and it could be harmful to Otocinclus catfish.
The ingredients are not anti-biotics as such but they do kill bacteria and inhibit bacterial growth.
If you have a spare tank you could move the catfish out and treat the remaining fish in the main tank. If you don't have a spare tank then I wouldn't use that medication.
Anti-biotics that might work include Kanamycin, Tetracycline, Doxycyclene. I can't advise on which to use because different countries have different laws about anti-biotcs. If you can contact a few local pet shops and ask them what they have, I might be able to offer more advice when I know what you can get.
I have already moved the oto because i was worried he was to small. (Btw i currently don’t have anything to test the water with)
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