Mysterious Fry


Fish Fanatic
Aug 23, 2003
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:unsure: Hey guys

My tank setup is below in my signature. Right now I have 5 fry in a breeding container. Three of the fry are black (from my gold mollies) soon to turn gold when mature, 1 is a guppy fry, and one is a orange. What do you think the orange one is? My platies: 2 are red and 3 are gold. I'm pretty sure it isn't a guppy fry because guppy fry are usually transparent.
Mollies autmaticaly have black fry? I did not know this, I thought my gold mollies were shy or something because I never saw a gold fry, I kept on asking my self why is it so easy for the black ones to get it on and the gold ones to not do anything...
They are a sunset fire molly breed when they grow they will have red tails and an orage body i have some they are beautiful.

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