Fish Addict
LOL Its ok n3ont3tra, Shame I dont know morse code though, it might really be trying to make contact with me 
Over 5hours I've been sat here with the red light on waiting for some sight of the shrimp, even put a boiled salted prawn in... heard a lot of clicking... seen nothing! prawn lays untouched!
Whatever is in there really is one smart ar$e mo-fo clicking away at my misfortunes...
...But I will get the last click!![]()
I read up somewhere that to observe the life in your tank at night, it is best to do so using a red light by applying some sort of transparant red pastic in front of a flashlight/torch as they can not see it or something along them lines..? well anyways I went and bought myself a red lightblulb today and attached it to my bedlamp which I have attached to the top of my tank so the red light is shining directly into the aquarim in the hope my "predator" will emerge and I will see it for the first time ever!![]()
I'm still not fully convinced there even is a predator. It seems to me that if there was it would have taken your shrimp and snails out.
Oh yeah, dragon or coris wrasses will get the little bugger. May take them a couple weeks, but they'll most likely hunt it down, whatever it is.