Plant are not very sensate to water temperature. Many plants typically found in quariums will do well below 60 fahrenheit. They do have limits for hot water but probably can handle 90F. Snails won't kill Salvinia neither will temperature or water spray or high water current. High water current just slows the growth.
Your water has run out of plant nutrients. There are 14 nutrients plants need to grow. If just one of the 14 is missing the plants won't grow and willl eventually die. Plants also prefer that the nutrients be water soluble. If the nutrients are not soluble in water the plants cannot access them. So floating planets are very susceptible to nutrient deficiencies. So you probably will need to fertilize your water. Also do weekly water changes Many fertilizers don't have all 14 nutrients because tap water typically has enough. But in todays world not all tap water is the same. For tanks filled with RO water or distilled or rainwater you need to fertilize the water because commercial fertilizers won't work with very pure water.
The Nutrients plants need other the carbon hydrogen and lxoygen (which come from the air and water ) are: Nitrogen, potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, phosphate, sulfur, chlorine, iron, manganese, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, and nickel.. Nickel is the least used nutrient with plants only needing 1 part per billion. Nitrogen is the most used.
Sometimes you have identify a deficiency by just looking at the plant. So a picture of the plants would be helpful. but if you have a test kit check GH, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia. The GH test kit is sensivte to only calcium and magnesium. You don't want to se zero. For the other if all are zero you have to add nitrogen.
Nitrogen and phosphate are critical to making DNA. So if your are short on either these two plant growth will quickly come to a stop. A difficiency in any one nutrient will also stop plant growth. Algae grows best when one or more nutrients are deficient. Most of the 14 nutrients can be added in exc less of need with willte risk of explosive age growth. I get best results by dripping phosphate and nitrogen into my tank daily. The rest I apply right after a water change. If phosphate levels are low hard green spot algae tends to dominate. Phosphate test kits are not helpful because they cannot tell the different between soluble and insoluble phosphate. Phosphate doesn't stay soluble for very long in most tanks. Plants need soluble phosphate. Salvinisa is sensitive to low phosphate. cyanobacteria and long green hair algae do best in water with with low micro nutrients (iron to
nickel). The trick is to maintain conditions in a tank Algea doesn't like but is favorable to plants. If you can achieve that plants will grow well and quickly whiles algae struggles.
TNC light fertilizer is probably your best bet beecause they amount of each nutrient in the bottle appears to match the ratios plants prefer. I have never used it because it is not available in North America. it doesn't have nitrogen, phosphate, calcium, chlorineor nickel. If you have a calcium or magnesium deficiency increasing you GH by 1 degree with any commercially available GH booster should be enough to eliminate a GH deficiency. Tap water will typically have enough sodium or potassium chloride in in to satisfy the chlorine need and nickel is typically present in tap water. Seachem sells bottle of nitrogen or phosphate that can be used to add nitrogen or phsophate.