mysid shrimp


Fish Crazy
Jan 25, 2005
Reaction score
Dayton, Ohio
i found a place that will ship 100 live mysid shrimp for 25 dollars plus 9 bucks shipping. They say they can stay in a sw tank and they will be eaten when your fish are ready. I only have 5 firefish, a bi-color angle, small clown, and a scooter blenny. is this worth it for me? I believe this fish are to small to eat these or some of them wouldnt even try. are they a good idea for some of my corals?
hmm.. that sounds very high to me.. 100 msid shrimp wont last more thana few minutes in the tank.

Are the fish eating frozen or any artificial foods? if so then try not to use too much live foods as this can sometime make the fish "picky" at what it eats and you might inadvertantly ween it off artificial foods.
Feed live foods as a trat maybe once a week or so but try to use the frozen or freeze dried foods as these are usually packed with vitmins etc.
right now I am feeding brine shrimp and zooplankton to my fish. they have never had anything alive. so what are mysid shrimp good for? how small are they. will my list of fish above i was wondering if they could even eat them. what about putting them down in the mud filter and picking them out every so often to feed like you said as a treat maybe once/twice a week. do some corals like them
if you have a mud system then once it becomes established you will find that hundreds of pods will flourish on their own.
If you want to purchase mysid shrimp then go ahead but breeding them and getting htem to prosper is not as easy.

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