my zebra danio has layed eggs!!!


New Member
Nov 24, 2003
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I have only had fish in my tank for a week {i am a complete newbie} and this is a complete shock. I live in Greece and my local pet shop only stocks flake food, it will take weeks to get anything else that i want. I have searched the net on what to do now and hopefully i have managed to save a few. I will have no problems with a infusoria culture but then what?? I can't get brine shrinp or anything so what am i going to feed them. Does anybody have any ideas on anything i can produce at home or can find outside. I would like to try and save a few of them if i can. :/

I have a 15 gallon tank:-
1 male betta
3 zebra danios {1 female at least, i think i know which one now}
4 harliquin fish

If the fry survive i plan on buying another small tank to raise them innext week. :D
Congrats - I think :rolleyes: If you can't get any food for the fry, grind down some flakes in a teaspoon and feed them that. If you really are not interested in raising fry, just let nature take it's course and you'll most probably find that most will not survive. BTW, are you sure it's zebra danios spawn and not snail eggs. If you've only just set up your tank and have put plants in it, there's a posibility that what you have are snail eggs.
Zebra danios lay their eggs in gravel. Most breeding books suggest a layer of marbles for the eggs to fall down into. So if they are in a row or sack, then they aren't zebra eggs. Most zebra eggs fall into rocks and gravel so you can't see them. Also, the harlequins will probably make short work of the eggs!

P.S. If they are snail eggs. DO NOT LET IT GET ANY FARTHER! Before you know it, you'll have so many snails that you won't even be able to see your fish (slight exageration). Just be careful with snail eggs. I started with two and now I have over 100 snails that I have made a special tank for!!!
Just a quick update, i managed to save a few of the eggs and now have a small tank to keep them in. I couldn't tell you how many fry i have i always get a different no. when i try to count them. Thanks for the feeding advice, i will update again soon.

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