My whole family is "Hooked"


Fish Fanatic
Nov 14, 2003
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Well, I saw that the local fish club here was having an auction and was open to the public so I talked my family into going. We now belong to the club, have 4 more fish and the rest of my family is completely hooked, and its all my fault! ;) My dad spilled his guts on how he had a discus for years and years and how big it got, but when we moved it got stressed out and died. My mom admitted she used to love angelfish very much. After Dad's fish died they "lost interest" and sold the rest of there fish. :byebye: (and now I've upgraded to that tank). So now Mom wants a 55 or 75 gallon to go in our living room -- her excuse is her birthday is coming up (the 30th) and there is a cichlid auction in June or something that we're looking forward to. That'll be plenty of time for setting up and cycling the tank. I'm so physiqued about being in this fish club. People like me talking, breeding and trading fish. They seem to love that someone young is so interested in fish (and not because of Nemo!) and actually knows about water lvls, conditions. After voicing wanting to get a big tank for discus one of the older guys was talking me into getting a pair and breeding them for the junior egg laying division show. They gave our family free books, site urls and info. :wub: What a great club
I can dream :nod:
That's awesome, I wish my family would support me like your family in my newly acquired hobby. It's not like they don't like fish but my dad is always questioning me and telling me not to change the water everyother day. If i didn't have Discus then i wouldn't plus he doesn't want me to get another tank which he think is ridiculous...He's always saying that people don't have more than one tank in their house....I'm like yeah right....He wants me to spend my money on more important things like my Tuition....common would you rather go to school or get more, just kidding about the school thing...I want both... :D
Hey it's great! My parents have supported and been happy with having tanks in the house etc. They didn't even b*tch at me when i've spent around £200 on tanks and fish and kit this month... YEY! :D

That fish club sounds fun, pitty they don't have stuff like that round here that i'm aware of.

What a great hobby :)

Wow, Brattina, what a family! You are lucky to have all the support, and membership in a fish club too! It's great to be able to talk with people about what interests you, that's the great thing about this forum, but you get to do it in person, with auctions ( shows, too, maybe?) Don't ever stop dreaming,girl :D
My Family came to see me late last year and my Nephew just sat infront of my tank all day. At Christmas my Sister bought him a small 24" tank. 2 weeks ago I helped carry a 5 foot tank into his bedroom, his 2 foot will live underneath it so he can breed fish. He's already got 2 platy fry. He's only 8 but he's knowns all about the water cycle - ammonia, nitrite, nitrate etc and he's learning latin names of the fish and how to take care of then.
my sister's now going to buy a 4 foot tank for her living room and my mum's talking about getting a tank.
everybody's getting hooked which is excellent and my nephew is educating himself as he wants to know more and more about his fish. He probably knows far more than me now. Not too hard though :lol:
*note to self*

take parents to local fish club and get them hooked

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