my weird lookin kitty

Yes,deformed.While the cat was pregnant my house had a flea infestation (no idea why as I have no outdoor pet to bring them in)...anyway,the house had to be treated and the cat.The flea products caused problems with her pregnancy and is responsible for the deformity I'm sure.The kitten had a hole in it's abdomen and things weren't staying where they belonged :( Kitten had to be put down.


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BlueIce said:
Yes,deformed.While the cat was pregnant my house had a flea infestation (no idea why as I have no outdoor pet to bring them in)...anyway,the house had to be treated and the cat.The flea products caused problems with her pregnancy and is responsible for the deformity I'm sure.The kitten had a hole in it's abdomen and things weren't staying where they belonged :( Kitten had to be put down.
That's so sad :-( I'm glad to see the baby kitty is doing well though.
Is Maggy sneaking a quick drink of milk there? She is so cheeky! :wub: And the kitten is cute too, although he does look like a cross between a kitten and a wolf cub! Maybe he's the next evolutionary step for cats? He looks very snuggly :D give him a pat from me.

Maggy is always sneakin a nip..! lol
I'm always snugglin the baby,it's gonna b the most people oriented cat in the world :D
Tho Maggy does come running whenever I call her..and she's so cute.
BlueIce said:
The eyes are blue because the kitten is just 3 wks old.All kittens are born with blue eyes and they change color as they mature.

Just a "mutt" particular breed.
I know kittens all have blue eyes as had some experience with the ickle cuties, its just its eyes just seem a lot deeper than normal, wondered if it was a Birman or something thats all, still a cutie all the same :)
awwwwww :wub:
those last pics are so cute :wub:

nice little kitty :flex:
What a cutie!! :wub:

You might want to be careful about the people orienting, though :p . Cats that are people oriented at an early age tend to be noisier and more demanding. I read this in a cat book, but not before I learned it the hard way with my own cat, Rosewood. She often wakes me up no less than three times at night trying to get me to pet her. She walks all over my face, and if that doesn't work, she'll start licking my nose and mouth until I'm awake. She's still my baby, though :wub: !!
Beautiful little kitty. Reminds me of a tiny bear cub because of the look of the texture of its fur, and the way his claws show up in the first pic there. Can't wait to see the kitty when it is bigger. :wub:
That little black Kitty looks like a very caring mother. That little kitty will be so pretty when it starts to get a little bigger. I love cats I only have 20 I get everyone strays. I cant stands the thoughts of taking them to the shelter if you know what I mean..
Never2Bknown said:
What a cutie!! :wub:

You might want to be careful about the people orienting, though :p . Cats that are people oriented at an early age tend to be noisier and more demanding. I read this in a cat book, but not before I learned it the hard way with my own cat, Rosewood. She often wakes me up no less than three times at night trying to get me to pet her. She walks all over my face, and if that doesn't work, she'll start licking my nose and mouth until I'm awake. She's still my baby, though :wub: !!
Thanks for the advice...I've raised siamese cats in the past and fostered many tabby kittens (bottle fed) personal opinion is that the more human attention a kitten gets,the better pet it turns out.All of my cats/kittens have always been more dog-like then cat-like. :) and I love that :D Cats that actually come when you call them! lol
My friends cats are like that anyway (or sometimes with a shakeof the food :shifty: :whistle: , clever kitties :nod: :lol: ). One of them chases its tail (hence the name Dizzy) and I can't remember what conker does (aka KinkaJoo - my friend is strange - )

Will edit when I remember!

Also, your kitty is better than all the rest! Give me your kitty! I will have the bear! Mine!

*Falls to knees sobbing :-( and banging fists on the ground*

Nooooooo! Bring kitty ba-hack!

:byebye: kitty!

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