My Water Stats


New Member
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
pH- 7.2

clorine- 0.0

ammonia- .4

nitrite- 2.0

nitrate- 20

hardness- hard

alkalinity- 120

temp- 78.8

is it looking good? or no?
"no" is the answer and "terrible" is the answer if you have fish in that tank

"ok" would be the answer if it contains no fish and is on a "fishless" cycle mate
Its almost the second week. its been cycling for 11 days.
I have two guppies in there, what should I do to fix it?!
should I add aquarium conditioning salt to lower the nitrite? Ive already done a 25% water change
Are there any plants in the tank? I ask because plants can help quite a bit to level out new tanks (especially java moss). The ammonia is a bit higher than I'd like with a fish inclusive cycle, but that too will be helped by your water change. Is there any way you can get ahold of some mature filter media from an already cycled tank? That would help to jumpstart your cycle. The larger worry is the nitrites. They are far into the "stress" level and truly do need to come down a lot. Adding salt is a recommended method along with the water change, but do keep an eye on how your fish are acting as you may want to consider removing them and doing a fishless cycle instead or perhaps getting a bit more hardy fish to cycle with. I'm not a fan of fishless cycling, though many swear by it, and the biggest things I recommend to people cycling a new tank is plants, mature filter media (which I often donate to them), and VERY hardy fish (no more than two). Hope this helps :)

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