My Vt Makin His Nest


Fish Fanatic
Feb 19, 2006
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well i did the whole procedure for breeding just for practice with the vt's... and it is soooo cool to watch the bettas build their nests here are a couple of pics...


and here is the 3.5 gallon i will be breeding my crowntails in...

Well i hope yall enjoyed a couple of pics...can't wait till my crowntails get here!!!

Happy Trails,

I agree Sanadi. Looks good fishcrazy, but some plants should help the breeding process. The female will use them to hide in. Plus, they provide little microorganizms that the fry can eat!

I've got that same tank for my female, its her home, If I were to breed I'd go with something smaller cause thats about 3 gallons, If I were to breed i d go with something like 1.5 gallons or just lower the water level in that tank. But I'm not a breeder so I'm probably wrong but yea, You paid about 14.99 for that little tank didnt you, its like a rip off I think but they're still good thats why I buy them.
-___- Loko, the recommended is 5-10g if it was that freaking damn small and you released the female, she'd have no freaking place to run :grr: even if you put plants in the male could obviously find her easily
Yeah 10 gallons are perfect as it provides places to hide and enough space for the fry to grow up in for a few weeks :)

yea i do have plants I amjust waiting for my ct's to get here before i put them in...I get them nextfriday!!!yea


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