My Vietnamese lizard Hillstream’s may be spawning???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Most spawning situations I’ve been seeing, have been at 1st light… this is just about as the lights start going down… could be territorial, as I just added a Repashi stick, but they were wrapping each other up, wresting and twisting, like salamanders would… these guys have really grown, around 6 inches of length today… I tried to get a picture, when I noticed them on the front glass ( actually in a corner ), but almost immediately, they went behind some plants… I don’t really know much about them…
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A lot of species spawn in the late evening, especially if they hatch quickly. I guess the darkness is an advantage for the eggs not to be eaten.
excited by this and look forward tp progress
Well at very 1st light, I saw ( assuming ) the same 2 Vietnamese Lizards dancing again, in the same corner they were in before… they may have been doing it, in the dark, and I only noticed, when the 1st of the background lights came on ( so at minimum light ) tried to get some pictures… but the one I got is poor, and they weren’t intwined at the time… again I know nothing about their breeding habits… these are the largest of my Hillstream’s, at between 5-6 inches long
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A little better picture of the “plumper” one that remained in the top corner… still the lighting at it’s lowest level…
I don’t clean this glass as often, as all the Hillstream’s are biofilm eaters... I'm just happy to have them thriving... I'm assuming the plumper one is the female… she is eating off the glass in that corner, just like a pleco would do ( there are actually 3 different Hillstream’s on the front glass right now, grazing ), I have a magnetic scraper, that I do the front glass every couple months, but I really hate to take food from their mouths, but do so every once in a while, so I can see… I wasn’t planning on pictures today… it’s mate grazing the pagoda roof close by… and a reticulated, in the photo also on the front glass… a large gold ring just out of camera range also on the front…
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Some of us prefer pictures to video. Hard to study details of video without viewing frame by frame. A badly focus video is not any better than a badly focused photo.

Sorry @Magnum Man, interesting posts, maybe not so focused pictures. :)
Well now she’s mad… I chased her off the glass with lots of algae on it, with an algae scraper…
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One of my red tail tigers hanging out in the same corner… in this picture, the fish is actually on the side glass, that I didn’t scrape the algae off…
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A lot of action here… 3 pandas playing

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