My unique case


New Member
Jul 24, 2004
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Hey fellas..

I'm located way out in the Middle East and we have limited choice in bettas and a few pet stores to choose from.. However, i've managed to obtain a double-tail betta and some females (had to wait weeks to get the females!)

I've setup my breeding tank with a seperator between the male and female..been feeding them freeze-dried blood worms..a live adjustable filter and a small air pump..two cups cut in half, etc etc..

Now! How long should I expect to keep them in the tank before removing the female from the chimney?

If I'm successful, i'll be the only person in this country to breed bettas so wish me luck!
well... i kept the female in a container (chimeny in your case) in the breeding tank for about 40 hours... before i let her out.... and i kept her in for about 2 full days ... untill i knew there were eggs in the nest... then she came out.. then when i saw fry swimmin by themselves a bit i took out the male..

good luck i hope youre successful :D
well it's been said that if you shine a flashlight at the nest you should be able to see the eggs as litlte white dots. However, i shined and shined and shined and i couldnt' see a think :dunno:

but in my case, i kept the female in her litlte chimney for about....36 hours or so, during this period, you might find yourself releaseing her for a bit, watching her, and then recupping her back if the male shows aggression. I had to do that about 3 times before i caught them embracing. sometimes, the amle won't build a bubblenest until the female is released, and even other times he'll build one while they embrace.

also, you might want to drape a twoel over the breeding tank so they feel more secure, if the female or male feels threatened at any point, they'll eat the eggs :no:

good luck!!
my bf's betta's just had eggs....the flashlight thing works for us....looks like tiny drops of white throughout the nest, which he does rearrange here and there.... :thumbs:
Thanks guys..

I've released the female and male built the bubble nest..however, the female keeps checking it out and running away..I think she doesn't like it yet..

Looks like i'm getting closer though..
:D keep a close eye on her, sometimes the male will turn aggressive and you may have to recup her back. I'ts normal for the female to check out the nest and run away, it means that she deons't think the nest is good enough yet, the mlae will spend most of his time buildling his nest until it's huge in an attempt to really impress the feamle, becuase if he does a lame ass job she'll just destroy it for him :)

Did you release the female after seeing that she was ready? Ie. vertical stripes, plump with eggs, etc?
Vertical stripes, yeah..but I don't know how to tell if she's fulla eggs..any tips?
she'll be bloaty is an extreme example-jacblades girly

this is jac's fishy....i'm sure yours won't be THAT big, since jacs was an extreme case...but she'll definetly be fatter than the male. :thumbs:
how's it going now?

well, to tell you the truth, my female was a light colored one, so i ddint' see any vertical stripes in her at all. Also, she didn't look partciualrly plump either :/ but after they embraced i ended up with over 100 fry :D

Wuv told me that females will alwys have eggs in her, so even if she deosn't look plump she could still be ready :crazy: aren't all those cases just driving you nuts? :unsure:

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