My Two Tanks

Chunk Da Funk

New Member
Aug 20, 2006
Reaction score
Kent, England
My 35g in full flow its only 6 months old but doing me really proud :) :) :)

My 22g, cycling at the moment shown with Cold Cathode Moonlight, the cabinet it is sitting on i made myself and i would definatly recommend anyone doing it as you get the size, shape and colour you really want and its a lot cheaper than getting a custom cabinet made. Currently i am in the middle on building a new hood so i can stain it the same colour. any suggestions as to what to stock it with would be great
Gorgeous tanks. Your cabinet is really good too. How long did it take you to make it? What types of fish are you putting in once it's cycled?

Hi Alex,
Glad you like it, it took about 3 hours to build and then 4 coats of wax.
The stocking really depends on suggestions, my other tank has got mollys, guppies, plattys and a couple of algae eaters so i was looking for maybe something different.
Hi Alex,
Glad you like it, it took about 3 hours to build and then 4 coats of wax.
The stocking really depends on suggestions, my other tank has got mollys, guppies, plattys and a couple of algae eaters so i was looking for maybe something different.

What type of alae eaters? -_-

And for the 22gallon i would go with:

6 black neon tetras,
6 cherry barbs,
and maybe a pair of small apistograma.

Then i would add 3-4 amano shrimp to help clean up :) .

Very slightly over stocked with the second apistograma but you will be perfectly fine if you add them a little later :) .
the algae eaters are Sucking Loach - Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, do you think that's a problem?
like the suggestion for the stocking the 22, you say it's a little overstocked is that based on a standard filter as i have an external.
the algae eaters are Sucking Loach - Gyrinocheilus aymonieri, do you think that's a problem?
like the suggestion for the stocking the 22, you say it's a little overstocked is that based on a standard filter as i have an external.

I think it probably will be a problem, i take it since you know what they are, you know they can get over 10 inches and become aggressive when they are older? :crazy: You will probably want to rehome them and replace them with something like a siamese algae eater?

Since you have an external filter i think that the tank would look excellent with those fish :) .

Nice pics too.
i knew that they would become a problem when they are older and the idea is to rehome them when they start to look out of place, a friend has got a 250g tank and he is going to take them of my hands when they start to get to big
i knew that they would become a problem when they are older and the idea is to rehome them when they start to look out of place, a friend has got a 250g tank and he is going to take them of my hands when they start to get to big

very nice tanks, and I'm glad you've got a plan for the algae eaters. Just a word of warning though, all too often people say they'll move fish when they get too big but leaving them in too small a tank can seriously stunt they're growth and cause health problems. They may look like they've plenty of room now (and chances are they have) but just be careful about when you move them. Sooner is (very nearly) always better.


as for the 22g...... how different are you wanting to go?

A little colony of shell dwellers for instance would be a nice change from your community tank. A little more work with water parameters etc but not too much.

Or maybe go nano planted if you fancy something a bit high tech.

or how about oddballs, some Dwarf Puffers, or bumblebee goby's, something like that

anyway have fun choosing and post some more pics when you're sorted

nice tanks, only thing I could suggest is, on those cabinets you should make wood and stuff on the sides of the tanks so its like they are made into it. Looks good without but It would look better with.
looks great! maybe some rams and a shoal of neon tetras would look cool. im not sure if it would work but maybe a jellybean parrot cichlid as well?shelldwellers would work. if you want something diffrent id choose small central/south american cichlids. have fun! :good:
nice tanks, only thing I could suggest is, on those cabinets you should make wood and stuff on the sides of the tanks so its like they are made into it. Looks good without but It would look better with.

Hi LoKo17, i would have loved to have been able to do a built in system but we are only renting so we can't damage walls etc, but just wait til we have our own place the plans for 250g full marine tank are bubbling away in the grey matter.

Ok maybe not but would love an intergrated system for a 4 foot trop tank
I personally think you should put dress ply onto your stand, to make it match the hood. I personally think the beech effect is much better looking, but that's my opinion. I also think you should invest in an "inline heater", as that tank looks very nice, and the heater is an eyesore. They are quite expensive about about 20-30 quid, but IMO they are worth it.

Neal ;)

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