Motorbike Riding Tattooed fish freak
I don't think anyone meant to question you in a bad way Phoenixbaby, there were 2 members that asked you ... mostly because they believed it to be a different species (not in an argumentative way) and were curious as to what exactly he/she is. We've had it with dogs on this forum before, people don't mean to question you, they're just curious and would like to know the answer to satisfy their own wondering.
As for the question as to how you know you're raising it properly if you don't know what species it is, I don't believe it was asked with any malcontent meant. Though I can understand why you might have read it like that, I think I would have done the same had I been asked the question.
Your answer explains how you know you're doing the right thing though =) And it makes sense you can't remember everything! One of my dogs isn't a pure breed, and I can't remember exactly what crosses he has in him without checking the paperwork on his parents ... that doesn't mean I don't know what to feed him though, or how much exercise he needs. As when we got him, I did know his breeds and did my research. I imagine it's the same for you.
I'm sure the 2 members that asked you the breed of your tortoise would still love to know the answer though. Not to prove you wrong in any way, just because they've seen a gorgeous pet and are curious/want to test their own knowledge. Don't take offence in it =)
As for everyone else ... please don't let this thread get out of hand because of this.
I totally see what u mean, its just the way she had insinuated that because i dont know his breed off the top of my head that i dont care for him properly, which frustrates me, I look after all my pets very well, and i always research 1st to make sure they get all the correct care, i mean it was 2months of researching b4 i decided to set up a sorority tank of female bettas, bcoz i wanted to get it right, same with keeping the males too, i wanted to get it right, im not an idiot and i sure as hell do not like people making out that i dont know what im doing
Theres a diff from being curious, and being accusing, i just wanted to post pics ya know, not sit here and be questioned in the manner that I was, but i do appreciate ur post, thanks
ty guppy man, harry is sooo cute even if he does walk into things sometimes lol xx