My Topic Got Removed?


New Member
Jan 8, 2012
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I was downstairs busy watching TV and was leaving the desktop on so when I came back to see some replies, now I've came back and seen my topic has been locked. :unsure:

I am serious about this and so what if I've had a little bit smaller tank before this size I just wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing as it will have quite a bit of water in and be very heavy...if you don't ask you don't find out - why have people judged me (besides a few) I don't understand.
Ooh well I'm sorry I didn't believe you then ummm
Usually on here people need a few things before they believe you.
1. Pics
2. A sense you know what your doing
3. I don't know but there's more.
This is also a very very large project so some people (including me sorry) will be skeptical until the pics come.
If you were serious about that topic, there is no way 2.5 tonnes of water would be supported by your flat.

If it did, id still only stick to 6 neons
If you were serious about that topic, there is no way 2.5 tonnes of water would be supported by your flat.

If it did, id still only stick to 6 neons

I couldn't even reply in time because it was locked, the flat is downstairs if that makes any difference. I definitely want a bigger tank than 8ft.
If you were serious about that topic, there is no way 2.5 tonnes of water would be supported by your flat.

If it did, id still only stick to 6 neons

I couldn't even reply in time because it was locked, the flat is downstairs if that makes any difference. I definitely want a bigger tank than 8ft.

If your flat is downstairs I suggest you take a look underneath the flat (through the manhole) you might even have to put some support under the floor where the swimming pool will go.

Also I would put clown loaches in that if your serious.
I was thinking about strengthening the joists definitely.

What would I make the stand out of - wood, brick, etc?
I personally would try to do metal or brick as the stand. You would definately need to find out where the pressure points on a tank like that are to make sure that each on is balances accordingly on the stand. Are you going to build this yourself or bring in a professional to do it?
I'm wondering if your city's bylaw would allow it? Something with that kind of weight would need a permit I would think, and you'd need experienced builders come in to add that support of your joists....
So I would advice to contact city hall first!

Some LFS have huge display tanks, they should know the ins and outs of such a project!?
Thank you for taking me serious this time, I know that before I never replied but I was away from the computer and catching up on TV.

The flat will be downstairs and we will have a yard, should I consider building it outside in a shed type of thing for the weight?

@ I will also be getting a pro in to be building the stand for this don't want any risks.
theres a member on here who had a 9x3x3 in his parents house check it out

dont know why people thought it was so outrages before :rolleyes:
theres a member on here who had a 9x3x3 in his parents house check it out

dont know why people thought it was so outrages before :rolleyes:

The thread is locked, so...
Thank you for taking me serious this time, I know that before I never replied but I was away from the computer and catching up on TV.

The flat will be downstairs and we will have a yard, should I consider building it outside in a shed type of thing for the weight?

@ I will also be getting a pro in to be building the stand for this don't want any risks.

We have a member here who has built a tank outside in a shed, the thread is here:

I believe his budget to build this was around £10000 including base, shed, tank build, having water piped to it, filtration, etc etc. What's your budget? Do you have ample savings to consider a build this size? Are these in addition to the savings that you need to have to move house (ie healthy deposit/conveyancing fees if buying, deposit and rent in advance if renting). What will you do if something breaks? Will you have a contingency fund to cover any emergency situations? This needs to be separate to any rainy day savings you have for home related emergencies. You should also consider ongoing running costs - electricity to heat and light it, water rates if you're on a meter.

You should consider what you will do if and when you move house. If this is a starter home then very few people stay in them once children come along because their priorities change and they want larger gardens and ease of parking and to be near good schools, etc etc.

Is this flat going to be rented or owned? If it's rented you'll definitely need permission and have to bear in mind the possibility that the LL will not want to renew the tenancy at some point. If it is owned will you be the freeholder of the property? If not you'll need permission from the freeholder and they may not give it.

Before you think about anything else you need to think about these fundamental points. If you can't answer them with full confidence and no hesitation then continuing would be foolish. We've all been there, thinking "wow I'd love to have a tank the size of a room, I'd fill it with blah blah *insert dream here*" but realistically it's feasible for very few people.

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