Fish Crazy
My eight little baby tiger barbs are so wild and nippy that they are going out of my community tank and will become a species tank in their very own 30 (US) gal long. I bet that will teach them to chase my little baby peppered cories.
I picked up the Aqua Clear 300 and the heater today and will get the 30 gal tank and stand from the other LFS tomorrow (Monday). What I am going to do so that I can go ahead and move them is kick start the new tank with one of the AC 300's off the 55 gallon tank and put the new filter on the 55 gallon tank with the other AC 300 that is already there. Also, I will put some of the gravel and one or two of the decorations from the 55 in the 30 as well. Of course, I'll keep a close watch on the water in both tanks and will change out as needed.
I'll slowly stock up the 30 until it is full of tigers. I figure I can go up to about 14 or 15. They can chase each other to their heart's content then.

I picked up the Aqua Clear 300 and the heater today and will get the 30 gal tank and stand from the other LFS tomorrow (Monday). What I am going to do so that I can go ahead and move them is kick start the new tank with one of the AC 300's off the 55 gallon tank and put the new filter on the 55 gallon tank with the other AC 300 that is already there. Also, I will put some of the gravel and one or two of the decorations from the 55 in the 30 as well. Of course, I'll keep a close watch on the water in both tanks and will change out as needed.
I'll slowly stock up the 30 until it is full of tigers. I figure I can go up to about 14 or 15. They can chase each other to their heart's content then.