My tetra is swimming wrong


Fish Crazy
Mar 10, 2004
Reaction score
1 of my 11 neon tetras is swimming wrong its swimming not virtical but diacanol at this angle (look at the slash) / thats the angle my fish is swimming at why?

Plz help cuz im worried. :nod: :unsure:
Looks like a swimbladder problem. You might have to isolate him for a while in a very clean tank. I know the problem corrects itself with bettas, but I don't know if the same goes for tetras.
Could be a number of possibilities. Maybe he over ate? Or maybe he got wedged somewhere and then got startled and injured himself? Sorry if I couldn't be of more help. I have bad luck with neon tetras - I lost all 4 within a span of 3 weeks. Someone should come along soon enough and be able to help you.
Swim bladder or Lateral line could also be a problem....just like the other dude said, startled and hurt himself. Let him chill in a quarantine tank if poss. and he may turn his life around. His record will be exponged and he can be returned to service :crazy: :fun:

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