My Tanks

thank iron and pica

yeah it is alook bigger when here and no not overstock but thank for certern thought :rolleyes: all is doing well and fine lovin the swim as plenty room etc

and thank for the red light too aye it does look nice in dark as at first when purchase the light had green and blue aswell but i opted for red as it expand the lightin area than the green and blue ;)
no comment as it seems we aint allowed to comment

but then again when has that ever stopped me :hyper:

if you use the correct lighting the bulbs dont heat up,have you thought as to how your red lighting is going to affect the fish ?

youve said to keep opinions to i will

angel im suprised lol normaly you cant be shut up lmao :rofl: :rofl:
believe me bribones, its really hard. :whistle:
lol bribone he aint gonna type which is good :D

today have purchase Garra pingi pingi log sucker only one as wanna see how well it does for me tank as it cute little bugger!!!! cost me £7 quid :crazy: but hope it worth it :p
firstly im a she not a he and though i dont like the lighting its you that has to live in a red light zone for fish.

as for the fish, i hope you have plans to divide them as they get bigger as shubs max out at 18 inches and to keep them stunted is cruel.

I'm not going to say anything else as member bashing isnt allowed, sorry bribones.

firstly angel i apoligze for confuse of gender as werent to know so i am aware of your contern but i do have a close mate of mine that have a Pond that i can put into and i am soz u didnt like the light but i do my choice as i like it :D

at the moment it fine no problem so far :cool:
you like it then thats fair enough but you chose to put your pic here for everyone to see and you will get comments on it.
i chose to stay out of it because of your first sentence.
my concern was for the fish and since youve made it clear you have somewhere else for the fish to go then i dont care if your lights flashed red, white and blue.
ok angel i make a suggestion my red light does not flash like Las Vegas as it turn on it stay on red never flash and one more thing since u worryed abt my fishes etc my fishs do have plenty room 2 swim etc and i am not one of the other that put so much weeds and ornigments in the tanks as remember some1 in other topic thread have read abt Marbles etc to put in tank i mean it nice but few 6 month time i am sure the marble will get dirty in algae and also contern abt the breakages as the marble glass may harm the fishes , and puttin to much ornigments in tank and it makein it heavy and possible crack on base glass and also have seen in shop or some other user have nice tank size by 36x12x18 but the fish only have 6" wide dues to the fancy background rock etc i mean what for?? and only put 1 or 2 fish in when u can double it etc

btw from the pic it does not look small compare lookin at it by standing in front of my tank now

btw i hate Blue for yr info as alway forever Mighty Red


5 time king of europe
Umm I think the red/white/blue flashing comment was meant to emphasise the fact that she doesn't care what color the lights are as long as the fish will have a good home to go to once they've out-grown your tank - which they will do eventualy.
The fact that you asked for no comments isn't going to deter me.
Your tank is over-stocked and you do need to do something about it sooner or later. Apparently, you already know this so I suppose telling you goldfish grow to 10" easily and live to be 30 if looked after isn't of any use. They also grow very quickly if in clean water.
You added another fish as well which indicates you don't care that your fish will suffer from the over-stocking even though you obviously are aware that you are over-stocked (or you'd never have said to not comment). Hopefuly you won't be adding to your stock further.
The problem with mixing fancies with the single-tails isn't to do with aggression (though the fancies ar often mroe easily injured). It's to do with competition. Though I personaly do not consider this particular mix to be a big issue, do make sure all your fish are getting their share of food as the fancies are slower and may not be able to get enough to eat. Also, obviously, make sure you aren't over-feeding as that won't help with the over-stocking issue.
You mentioned before that your fish have room to swim but do consider the expanses of water they would have in the wild. Giving them at least the minnimum isn't too much to ask for is it? Plus over-crowding isn't just about physical space. The small volume also limmits the oxygen in the water and means toxins such as the ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte produced by your fish are more concentrated. Luckily goldfish are hardy so should survive for a good while but, whether you can see it or not, these subtstances cause serious permanent damage if not carefuly controlled. I hope you are doing a large weekly water change with de-chlorinated water to help with this.
Ornaments and plants placed in tanks do displace some water but they also benefit the fish by providing hiding places to reduce stress and, in the case of live plants, will produce oxygen (during the day) and use up lethal ammonia and excess nutrients to help keep water quality good.
Well, there, it's been said. I hope I haven't offended you and I do like the fish. I'm not too keen on the red lights personaly but whatever works for you. :)
Oh and could you maybe try writing in sentences...?

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