My Tanks

load of pollock

New Member
Jul 5, 2005
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United Kingdom, England
As mention in other Forum the tropical chit chat abt the tri-lite here it is and keep yr opnion to yrself thank because as have mention why water smell in other topic i have my lightin on during day and go off at 8pm and stay off all nite and back on at 6am so it give a water chance to cool down since warm heat commin throught the lightin and since then i had the tri-lite install while my white lightin is off and it nice to me when sittin in the dark watchin the movies and u get these crappy advert as i then can look across the room to see the fishs swimmin in tank wiv my red light...........


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youve said to keep opinions to i will.
pretty fish, pollock. those are some of the nicer calicos i've seen.

tanks a bit undersized, but that may very well be an optical illusion. around here we like to say 20g for the first fancy goldfish, then 10g more for each additional. how long have you been running the tank?

(sorry for the light ribbing back there; it always seems to separate out the men from the trolls. ;) )
pica_nuttalli said:
tanks a bit undersized, but that may very well be an optical illusion. around here we like to say 20g for the first fancy goldfish, then 10g more for each additional. how long have you been running the tank?
Single tailed more agile goldfish should not be kept with slower fancies either. -_-

It looks nice though, the tri-lights accent the tank really well. neat idea :thumbs:
been runnin the tank for an year now and i bought the shubunkin 1 month after the set up etc and the first photo of shubunkin is good size as bought it when small and baby as bought vary of shubunkin in Bladgon water garden centre and i have no problem with my tank nothing plenty room etc and i know abt the stock which is ok ..........

thank you for likin the first pic he doing well it almost a year had him and good colour too :p
thank sand ;)

i know abt the goldfish wiv slower fancy but none is fightin all swimmin fine and well i had fancy with goldfish b4 as had one goldfish that i recently had for abt 12 year and been in alot different tank size due to upgrade and at same time had 2-3 fancy goldfish and shunkin for abt 4-5 year

so far it lookin good as no problem :)
:unsure: Ok, but I still don't think they can thrive in that. Mine each have 10 and still look overcrowded. Goldfish are hardy, I'll grant that, I wish yours the best.
yeah i know sand goldfish r hardy but me goldfish i only just recntly purchase 4 them abt week ago but one died so i didnt bother wiv a replacement as am happy as it as all 3 baby one stay together, and i have been watchin them to be sure etc and i have been watchin the first big shubunkin pic as have been watchin him and i used small fish food pellets plus i do used flake too and my big one grab so many and after couple second later he spit it out into small pieces for my goldfish and my weather loaches strange behavior but it good

tank size 38 x 18 x 24
You tank is 71.06 US gallons, 59.17 UK gallons, or 269.01 litres (whatever measurement you use).
that correct Meg abt 60G tank runnin on filter Fluval 404 and 802 powerhead but before had 38x12x18 only bought for temporary as didnt like it that small as knew it wasnt enought to swim around, so i told my local fish shop the size of the tank i wanted (the current tank today) and were happy to have it made for me so which is good :D

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