My Tanks


Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2012
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Just fought id share with you my tanks.

Ive been playing around to get them just how i want them. And now playing around over the last few weeks again and adding and removing plants, bog/drift wood and ornaments im over the moon with them.

They always say the painful side is getting them so your happy and can take months!

64L Fishbox

This tank houses:-

3x Corydora
1x Hillstream
2x Dwarf Gourami
4x Platy
5x Cardinal Tetra


Superfish Aqua Qube 25L

This tank house:-

5x Platy fry (From my platy in the bigger tank)
26x Cherry Shrimp (I think this is correct there abit hard to count up)

Had a change over the last couple of days.

removed the gravel from both tanks and replaced it with a subtrate - JBL Manado.

Tanks look alot nicer and IMO not so childish and more natural. Also this has made my Shrimp tank cystral clean!

And my Corys seems alot happier sticking there noses to subtate where the gravel looked very unkind.
The one thing I'd have suggested changing is the substrate. So ... awesome! I use JBL manado in one of my tanks and it's great - very natural looking.
Yea love it. So clear just cleaning time soon and not sure its the syphon will suck it up.
Yea love it. So clear just cleaning time soon and not sure its the syphon will suck it up.

It's quite a light substrate - I have to weigh mine down with a little sand - so you'll have to be careful with a vacuum.
Just cleaned both tanks.

Was a case of slighty touching the surface and then removing from the water to let it all settle again.

Now just need to clean the small tanks glass and done :)

Ill try get some picture in a bit :)
Thanks Tizer. Tescos Value is the best ;)

Heres the big 64L tank and have to say there very active tonight :lol:

Sorry for the breeding net in the picture but found platy fry last night

Looking sooooo much better now great job. I reckon in the smaller tank if you can prop it up safely, flip the bogwood over and attach the moss to the top. Would make an awesome tree :hyper:

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