My tank

Let me start by saying your tank looks really nice and clean!!

But, I counted how many fish you have in that 40 gallon and there is a total of 47 fish!

I'm not trying to be mean, but at maturity all of your fish will equal 145 INCHES OF FISH!!!! That is over 12 FEET of fish in a tank that should only have 40 inches or less!!

I'm sorry but I just couldn't let that go unmentioned. Your tank is beautiful that is a fact ;) , but WAY overstocked and that is also a fact Even at the size they are now there should only be half as many in that tank. You could put 50% of them in another 55 gallon, the bigger ones at least. The clown loaches will get 12" a piece and the Elephant nose and the Silver shark will as well. The Silver Ds can get upto 8 inches and your Gibby Pleco could reach 18"!!!! But I'm sure you know all that already. :whistle:

Sorry if I sound rude, really I'm not trying to be. Like I said, your tank looks clean and healthy. The fish you got would just appreciate a lot more room than you are giving to them that's all. And if it is money or space that is keeping you from getting another tank you could always give them away or try and sell them to friends or family who enjoy the hobby too! Or give them to a LFS for trade for smaller fish that won't become monsterous in size some day! :lol:
Just a thought............. :*)

okay, the tanks do look overstocked.....but they do seem happy. the tanks look great by the way, just remember that you'll have to upgrade tanks....sorry that every1 seems to be burstin your bubble on this thread, you were only tryin to share and every1 probably made you feel like $***...SORRY
Thank you for your comments, I really am listening to them and I was already aware of the problems.

Thanks for you comments about my tanks as well, it took a lot of work!!
You wanted some pictures of my fish, so here goes....

My golden wonder


  • Golden_Wonder.jpg
    20.9 KB · Views: 46
Very cool tank. I would like to see your other 2 tanks. I love your aquascaping.
chemflex said:
If there any fish in particular that anyone would like a picture of?

ummmm i would like to see some pics of your gourami's and those other fish, the ones that are one color on the front, and a different on the back, i believe its like a purple and a goldish, lol sorry if this isnt much help!! i didnt know what type they were so i just had to do that little explaination(wich may not make any sense!)
I guess those fish are just really good friends, esp as one cant poop without about 10 others seeing it :rofl:

Just goes to show, the 1" of fish per gallon really is only a general guide.

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