My Tank..


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2006
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My tank is's 25" tall, 30" long and 18"wide{front to back}

Right now I have 5 germen blue rams, danios, rasaboras, orange von rio flames, corys, few guppies, and a loach.

I am soon going to be getting probably about 6 ottos and a pleco...maybe a royal pleco or a bristle nose.

I would love to have discus and know they are pretty delicate..Would my tank be an okay size for them? Would everyone I have be good tank mates?

Any input and info is more then welcomed :)
Seems okay, I would personally hold off on the Ottos and maybe just stick with the BN pleco. Some of those smaller fish may also get ate depending...
Tank is good, but tank mates not so good.

Rams are fine, rasboras should be ok. Danios are not suitable for discus are they are too fast and active IMO. Not sure what flames are.... Some Corys are ok but most come from cooler water than discus and so won't stand the increased heat for long. I think guppies like hard water, discus need soft so I wouldn't mix them. If you have a clown loach then it's not suitable, will get too big and also its too active for the discus during the night, some smaller species may be ok but again research water requirements. Ottos should be avoided, a royal pleco would out grow your tank, and a BN should be ok, but you'll need to watch it and be prepared to move it if it starts sucking the discus.

You'll need to keep them at 30C in soft water, unless your lucky your probably need to soften your tap water, best way to do this is to use RO. You'll need to do a couple of water changes per week and making the water takes time, plus discus are expensive... so they are not for everyone. If you are willing to put the time in though they are very rewarding.

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