My Tank Of Platies And Guppies


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2008
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hey. i was wondering i really like the look of a Gold Algae Eater, how well would they go with the fish i currently have in my tank?
i have 3 platies (2 female 1 male)
and 1 male guppy. (but getting 3 females next week.)
my tank is 58 litres.

They should be okay. However, as they age they get aggressive. As not as you are not keeping them with flat bodied fish like discus or goldfish you should be okay.
They can get pretty large, and when they do get bigger they do tend to be pretty aggressive towards other fish.

Also after tasting some leftover flakes or bloodworms it will quickly stop eating algae... actually they are pretty bad algae eaters if you actually want them to get rid of algae.
yeah i did really want the to help clean up some of the algae. are there any other algae eaters that would go nicely in me tank.
I had a gold algae eater-after 3 months he just bashed all my other fish up- A real bully he was so i got rid of him and he was only 4 inches long-i would avoid at all costs-there is a profile of this fish on here somewhere-somebody will give you the link- Why not have shrimps-they eat all my algae and clear any left over food up too,just a thought
Endlers are good with things like platies and I never have algae in my endler tanks. The down side for you is the endlers should never be in the same tank as guppies because they can and do cross breed which reduces the value of the fry to almost worthless.
Actually, Platies and Mollies are fairly good at nibbling at algae. It would be easier to tame the conditions that promote algae growth rather than deal with it after it forms. More water changes to reduce the organics in the water, and less light.

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