My Tank Is Complete!


Nov 26, 2013
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After 2 years, I have finally managed to secure a quartet of Celestial Pearl Danios (otherwise known as Galaxy Rasboras).

They're in the tank with the Endler males, the Harlequin Rasboras and the queen of the tank, BN Pleco.

While buying them I found out that Australia is no longer allowed to import a great number of species, so these may be the only CPD's available (so I'm hoping they might breed). I also picked up a couple of Tiger Endlers, because Endlers are also on the no import list.

I would have picked up a dozen CPD's but at $60 for 4 I didn't want to push my luck with the lady of the house.

I must say at present they're hiding in my tank. Hopefully they get comfortable and colour up quickly. This is the shot of the LFS tank. Another $120 and I'd be a happier fish keeper, but ankle biter #4 arrives in a fortnight.
Amazing how they manage to swim vertically like that. Mobile phone photos are apparently not my friend.
No, I got them from Aquarama in Stafford (corner of Stafford Rd and Appleby St, in Brisbane).

After 2 hours in the tank, one of the boys decided he was comfortable enough to pose for me.

It's amazing how quickly they're darkening to match the substrate.
I would love some in my 2 foot tank, But my Betta would eat them, I am not kidding he killed a mystery snail, he even attacks my fingers.

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