My Tank Idea.


New Member
Jan 30, 2009
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Hi! I am getting ready to buy fish for my 10 gallon tank. A little while ago my platy died so now I'm down to just my one little cory cat fish. I would like to get a few more cories to be with the one I have as I have heard it is good to have them together. Maybe 2 or 3 more? I thought maybe 3 more would be better so the 2 new ones aren't don't just stick together as a pair and my current one is left alone? Also I want to get 1 or 2 dwarf gouramis. My question about that is is it better to get one or two? I would like to get two so they have company and if I am right that would not be overstocking my tank would it? Quick answers would be GREAT as I am planning to buy them later today =) Thanks!!!!
I would get honey gouramis rather than dwarf ones. Honeys are much smaller than dwarfs, dwarfs can get pretty big, in my opinion too big for a 10 gallon if you want other fish. Also dwarfs do better in threes, 1 male 2 females, as the males are pretty agressive.

Honeys are less aggressive and the females arent as drab as the dwarf gourami females. When honeys are young, its actually really hard to tell the difference between female and male - my lfs cant do it.

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