my tank is a Juwel 260 litres vision
fish that i like are ( i know i cant have all of them lol)
Silver Dollars
Cory Cats
a male siamese FIghter
golden Severums
Zebra Danios
Pearl Gouramis
I see you’ve now changed your user name to *-MiChAeL-* and have the following fish in your signature:
One 260 Litre Tank -
2 SiLveR DoLLaRs, 10 ZebRa DaNios, 2 GoLDen SeVerUms,
5 CoRydoras, 1 PleC, 2 PeArl Guoramis, 2 AnGels and a KoOl Male SiAmesE FighTeR
Ohh aNd A rEd ClaW CraB called CrUsheR
Have you already bought them, or are you still only just thinking of getting them ?
To be honest I have not kept most of those fish myself so it’s best to check with someone else, but two things slightly concern me:
The Siamese Fighter (Betta) – these are not really community fish and should best be kept in their own small tank with very low filtration output.
Crabs are not community fish at all and will nip any fish in reach. Not a good idea at all
Woops indeed !
You'll most certainly have to find a new home for "CrUsheR".....otherwise he's going to one very happy crab living in 260 liters of water