My Tank Again Looking Better ****updated****new Pics


Fish Fanatic
Jan 26, 2006
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just an update on my tank co2 up and running and two 25 watt uvs added a few more plants wow everything growing so fast lots of new pics added....psycho
6ft x 2ft x 2ft 6in .....6th march 2006

all these pics are new added to day 18 th march 2006






fry tank


my pandas keeping the fry tank nice and clean (5 in there)
Nice tank it's nice and big, i love that big bit of bog wood you have got in the corner, where did you get that from and how much was it?

If you added some big long/tall plants at the back that might make it look more natural, (if that's what you're going for)

I know if i had a big tank like that i would have a nice floor covering of java moss to make it look fab :D
But your tank looks great what fish have you got in there? i see some neons and gouramis.
yeah all the plants at the back will be tall its just they are very small at the moment got some java moss coming in next week its by no way finnished
Nice big tank. The top half looks a little empty at the moment. Some nice big Amazon swords at back would fill it up nicely IMO. Echinodorus bleheri is a popular, easy species that can grow upto 50cm in height, possibly more. Vallisneria americana (gigantea) (giant vallis) will also fill it up nicely.

What lighting do you have? Is the tank 30" tall? - you'll need strong lighting to grow the microsword, you'll have a better chance with it too if you seperate the clumps into seperate plantlets and plant these apart to increase lighting coverage.

Great that you're going the CO2 route, what system are you getting? A big cylinder I hope for that bad-boy!!
nice tank! i agree with the tall plant thing, that would look great.
p.s. are those bala's i spie in the background? how big? my favorites.
yep they are balas they are the main reason for the big tank 2 in there now 1 more will be added next week all the plants look low at the mo but won't be for long as they will grow and theres more to go in yet so the back of the tank will get better...i hope.....psycho
ive just set up a new 61/2 foot tank.the main reason for that was the same as yours my balas!

I have 3 balas one of them is 9inches and they are in a 4ft tank now so weve bought a bigger tank for them :nod:
we have no lights in the tank yet


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i have 4 bala's in my 4 foot tank, 2x6inches & 2x2inches , and they are going to be my perfect excuse to buy a bigger tank when they grow larger


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ahhh MOSS BALLS!!!!!!!!! i wish i had some... or any kind of moss for that matter. i like the tank, but i cant wait till theres a bit more growth to see it.
anybody can answer this but what is the thing hanging on the glaass below the thermometer i have seen them in stores but dont know what they are for
anybody can answer this but what is the thing hanging on the glaass below the thermometer i have seen them in stores but dont know what they are for

Its to clean the glass, inside the tank, magnetic :hey

o so its like a magnetic algae scaper so when he sees aglae he uses a magnet and moves it around and it scrapes off the agle???
Wow thats a really lovely tank :D I especially like how the fish are small at the moment and have loads of space. Lots of different plants and hidey-holes. I like the space at the top. I also like to think fish like a bit of space sometimes too. :thumbs:

Its to clean the glass, inside the tank, magnetic :hey

Are those any good? Normally I take a tooth brush to algae but a scraper would be great and would mean not putting my hands in. But it usually takes alot of force to get the buggers off so didn't think they would work?
lovely tank :hyper: how much was the grevel? i got some the same colour just couldnt find any that fine.

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