My Tang. tank and a Cory Cat


New Member
Mar 9, 2005
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I was wondering if it was at all possible to place my albino cory cat in my Tang. tank. I was just woindering if the water parameters would effect it in any way. sooner a reply the better. thanks

The problem is that cory's are peaceful and not very strong, and will really get thrashed by cichlids protecting their territory. An African tank is no place for a Cory cat regardless if they can handle the water. Don't know what your parameters are, but they're likely not ideal if they're set up for tanganyikans either.
All the fish are very small and grow slow as most of them do such as the calvus. The cory cat is full grown do u beilve there is a chance they could be unharmed in the 55 gallon with a very lagre rock setup and plants...I understand theat they are aggresive and i wouldn't want to injure the cory cat in anyway thats why im asking...appreciate the feedback


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