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Fish Addict
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
Hi guys.
I have sorted out my kh and ph issue now and my tank stats currently stand at
-ammonia 0
-nitrite 0
-nitrate 10
-ph 8.2
-calcium 450
-magnesium 1400
-phosphate 0.03
- kh 10

So what do you guys recon, any tweaks needed?

Phosphate should be 0 and ideally you want nitrate as close to zero as you can get it. Otherwise everything else looks good! :good:
Well, the 10 nitrate isn't perfect, but then again neither are hobby level test kits ;). I'd be perfectly satisified with those readings.
I would up the pH to 8.4 but the other stuff isn't too bad. In fact if everyone had water like that there would be a lot less fish dieing from poor water quality.
The nitrate is on the way down as I have my own RO unit now so I can do more frequent water changes. The ph is also slowly on the rise since I am sorting out my kh too.

Im pleased that its all good then.
Thanks guys.

some one said phosphate should be 0, i have read in several books 0.015 to 0.03 is good. 0.015 is nearly 0 any way.

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