My South American Tank

Oh good! I didn't want you to get the wrong idea. I think a larger shoal could be effective since that is the I natural defense against predators but wonder if your tank is big enough for a proper group... not sure.
Yeah you are probably right... :/ since the Angelfish will still be too young by the time I move them to really be showing signs of aggression. That could be a rather expensive project too if it goes sour with a larger tank. The thought still intrigues me.
Me too. It could work in theory.
Hey ya'll do you guys think a 37 gallon 30.1x 12.5x 25.6 in. would still be too small? I might be able to get one now depends on what the gf says, or I could just wait six months like I said and get a larger tank in the summer. What are your thoughts?
That's much better. They are usually longer so that extra length gives the fish more swimming room. With the angels though I think it's more which fish you keep them with as well as tank size.
Is that L x W x H?

For angels the deeper the tank the better, if that is 25" tall, not bad at all IMO. Good length and decent depth. Go with the 46 bowfront(36 x 15 x 20) or 75g (48 x 18 x 20) if you can. Although you do sacrifice a bit of height for more depth and length(that's swimming and territory room) but bigger is always better.

I have a 48x12x20 for my tanganyikan biotope (largest fish is cyprichromis @ 6"), I wish I had a 75. These 2" L.ornatipinnis claim a 1'x1-2' territory when spawning. Moving them out of a 29g to a larger tank has helped to bring out their personality. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you put a fish in a medium sized tank (45-75g generally medium-small for something 6" highly dependent on species) lightly-medium stocking and appropriate cover and you begin to see a whole new animal. Like a pair of altums(not WC), 15 BPT or other scooling tetra, a few L104, 12 corys, dwarf being best and as many amazon swords as you can pack in there for a 75 is my idea of a perfect tank for angels.

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