My sorority rebuild

Over the next week or 3 I intend to add more IAL and am going to make my own black water extract.
Did a water test before I do a water change.
PH 7.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Water temp 26.3 deg C.

I notice a few shrimp have managed to escape being eaten but the Mystery snail lost a bit of one antenna, Oh well that will teach him for being so slow, I have thrown in a few Rams horns to distract her, I can hear some of you groan at me putting " Pest snails " in the tank but I have never had a problem with them, I think Rams horn and Malaysian Trumpet snails are both cool to look at and highly beneficial in a tank. I am actually a lazy fish keeper, I hate cleaning the glass and I don't vacuum the substrate I let the snails do that, Just change the water and feed the fish type.

Added 1/2 milliliter of Seachem flourish comprehensive.
Nick, this is such a beautiful tank, I really like the dark painted back instead of a graphic background. Gives me some ideas for my new 50G / 189L tank I just picked up that is currently bare and waiting for a full plan and tech!

I have a question about your beautiful plants and driftwood. Did you root the plants in the gravel and then add water? I assume so, but I want to ask. I am new to planting a tank and I have a 10G / 37L right now that has a shoal of Cardinal Tetra and a small group of Cory Cat for bottom patrol. I have a huge Amazon sword in there right now along with a lot of Brazilian pennywort floating on the surface.

I planted the sword when I was doing a water change so that I only had about 7.5G of water in the tank. But I'm wondering if, since I'll have the luxury of a pretty empty tank, should I put plants into the substrate with it pretty much empty of water?

So much information to learn!
should I put plants into the substrate with it pretty much empty of water?
I had a few inches of water in the tank.

When painting use a water based paint, you will need at least 3 coats letting each coat dry before applying the next one.

Is that red on the top of the head normal?

Yes. I think so,

Beautiful! Do you have any tips for getting clear close-ups?
Nope I just take lots of photos.


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